Why am I not surprised that John Prescott is not going to face any charges regarding his mis-use of office?
Some time ago at least one policeman was ordered to complete community service for having sex while on duty! You would have (rightly) assumed then that someone holding high office would be required to adhere to a higher standard, well, you would be wrong! The current crop of power crazy clones have the gall to do what they like whenever they like and if you dont like it then "tough".
This government have also ridden roughshod, yet again, over the rights of a significant percentage of this nations farmers, with their mis-handling of the farm payments scheme.
Wales managed to administer their scheme with reasonable efficiency, as did Scotland. England however managed to make a complete cock-up of it! So what happens?
Ms Beckett moves to another position and the problems she presided over are ignored again!
Lets face it, if you really dont want farmers, then at least have the guts to say so, rather than driving them into abject poverty.
On the Palestine/Israel front (sic), it would appear that the international community, having almost refused to recognise the elected leaders of Palestine, now appear to be trying to remove them by fuel shortages and starvation. Democracy the American way or not at all!