Monday, December 04, 2006

Oh the joys of political correctness!

Several small bits of news seem to imply that the UK has really lost the plot of what it wants to be.
Some MPs' are asking for a 66% rise in salary, are they on the same planet as the rest of us? With a basic salary of £60,000, and an average expenses take of £131,000, just what do they do with the money and what value are we getting from them?
They also have the stupidity to ask why people are no longer interested in politics? maybe its because most people realise that the majority of politicians only give a damn about themselves first, their party second, and the people who employ them a very distant last! After the spin, lies and arrogance they have often displayed is it any wonder that people have got disillusioned with them?
Bare in mind that they also get a pension that is gold plated and guaranteed by you the taxpayer!

It would appear that Craven district council are also on the health and safety lunacy bandwagon with their demand that a local village community christmas party has to complete a risk assessment of their mince pies, and Santa may need a Criminal Records Bureau check.

Oh goody, we have another animal rights party! Yet one more group that wants to tell us all what to do and how to run our lives with regard to animals. Oh for goodness sake! Feel free to put your point of view with regard to animal welfare, but if you intend to tell me how to run my life and care for my animals, or if you want to try and force me to become a vegetarian then as far as I am concerned you can bugger off back to your own life and leave me alone! If you spent more time trying to persuade people, and less trying to force them to do things you may get more respect. And the sooner we get rid of the hunting ban, the better!

More controversy to follow soon!

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